Midsection of a tattooed woman covering breasts with hands

Reasons for Tattoo Removal

The vast majority of people who get tattoos are happy with the outcome. That being said, some people end up wanting to get their tattoos removed. Not all people who dislike their tattoos get them removed. Some people just learn to live with their tattoos even if they don’t like it. Others get it covered up with another tattoo. There are many reasons why a person may want to get a tattoo removed.

Just Don’t Like It Anymore

Some people get their tattoos removed because they just don’t like it anymore. They may have gotten something that no longer fits their lifestyle or personality. This is one of the most common reasons why people seek tattoo removal.


They have something that causes them embarrassment. This could be a tattoo that is in an embarrassing place on the body. It may be hard to cover up. It could be warped by weight gain or weight loss. For a female she could have a tattoo on her stomach that gets destroyed by pregnancy.

Relationship Ended

Many people get the name of lover tattooed on them. If that relationship ends they are left with a permanent reminder of their former flame. This can cause problems in future relationships and it is just plain out uncomfortable. Nobody wants a permanent reminder of love gone bad.

New Job/ Career

Some jobs frown upon tattoos. Many companies feel that they look unprofessional. If you can’t cover your tattoos with clothing you may need to get your tattoos removed. Tattoos on your hands, face, neck or even your arms can be hard to cover up. If you are a woman, you might not be able to wear a skirt without exposing tattoos on your legs.


Some people get judged for having tattoos. This is particularly true if you have tattoos that represent a gang. It can also be true if you have a lot of tattoos. If you have a tattoo that represents a gang and you are no longer affiliated with that gang you will want to get it removed or covered up so people don’t judge you.

Can’t Hide It

If you have a tattoo that you can’t conceal you may end up wanting it removed. If you can cover it with clothes it is not so bad. However, if you have a tattoo in place that you can’t cover with clothes it can be problematic when it comes to finding a job etc.

Bad Tattoo

Not all tattoos come out good. If you have a tattoo that is messed up or unattractive you may want to get it removed. It can be embarrassing having a bad tattoo.